So starting with some new toons of the kids, I recently took Ash with me to get my haircut. When Ash goes to get his hair cut, we usually cut it really short and there's a chance he will come home with a mohawk. Well he thought it would be funny the throw out some direction to the lady who was cutting my hair:
Needless to say, I wanted to keep it long, Ash wanted me to have a mohawk, so we compromised and I had it cut short. For the record it is way too short, but it will grow back...oh yes, it will grow back.
As the kids grow older, you really start to see the differences in their play styles. Yes, they both still like to play Horsey and Moon Ride, but they are starting to disagree on the more gender related games during their make believe sessions:
Poor Ayris, all she wants is to play Princess and marry a handsome prince. For her sake, I hope the next one is a girl.
Now that Adler is teething, we've been feeding him more solids. The exciting part for me is I get to try everything we give him to make sure it tastes good. I recently tried some of his banana flavored puffs, which tasted exactly like those bland, melty wafers churches serve during communion. Obviously I had to get M to try one of these too. Since she's going through this phase of strange food cravings, I thought it would be better if I masked it as me trying to give her communion:
I chased her all over the house trying to feed her one of these puffs without success. Ah well...more for me, I mean Adler.
We recently celebrated some milestone birthdays in our household. As you may have seen in previous posts, Ayris is now 5 and M just turned 30. One morning Ayris was commenting on how her neck was hurting after sleeping in an uncomfortable position all night:
Apparently one of them is aging more gracefully than the other...
For one reason or another, M seems to be going through this phase where she has to clean...almost like she's nesting or something. Unfortunately, this also comes with a high frequency of forgetfulness (like the blood that is usually going to her brain is going someplace else now):
To be fair, schools and government offices seem to have more days off than they are actually open. "Happy National Bacon-Pants Day! We're going to take the rest of the week off..." Actually now that I type this, I too would proudly stand up and celebrate a day dedicated to pants that were made entirely out of bacon!
M seems to be going through a phase where she is constantly tired. It's almost like her body is working overtime or building something. All she wants to do is sleep (mostly) and she doesn't want to have special time with her special man anymore:
It's getting so bad, she doesn't even want to lavish me with admiration like she used to:
And even worse yet, the Joneses are starting to catch up to us:
Then of course, there's her inability to keep a secret:
Thankfully my aunt Tammy realized that M was too trusting of the intimate privacy known as Facebook wall posts and deleted the string before anyone caught on (thanks Tammy!).
So there you have it. Did you figure it out yet? That's right, M is Facebook friends with my aunt Tammy, she's always tired and she still doesn't find me funny.
Oh yeah, and she pregnant...again!