Friday, May 11, 2012

Ignorance is a Terrible Hate

OK, let me just caveat this post with six very important things:

  1. I have been working on an epic post for the last 3 weeks now and I had every intention of finishing it tonight until I saw this video.
  2. While I have tried very hard to keep my personal politics off of this blog, I'm afraid I am going to break that rule tonight.
  3. While I'm not here to pass judgement on the issue of right and wrong, I will pass judgement on the contents inside.  I'll leave the overall ruling left to those better equipped to handle this situation.  People such as individuals like you, our immaculate and flawless government (care for a shot of sarcasm?), and/or The Lord (whomever you deem that entity to be).
  4. The following post is not meant to be funny...any humor will be purely coincidental. 
  5. This post will be filled with rage to be more specific.  While I am filled with rage, I also am filled with half a bottle of wine and more than the daily recommended dose of Nutella and Frank's Red Hot.  This can be a wicked combination, get ready.
  6. Those who have questioned my blog or found it offensive in the past should leave now.  Please close your browser and come back in a few days.  Please!
For those of you who have stayed, you have been warned...

Please try to watch this video in it's entirety:

I love how the camera really captures her ignorance and hatred.

First, let's be fair...this lady is obviously crazy in a clinical sense.  She is more than likely schizophrenic, but with that said, someone let her in and someone let her continue to speak.

There are many things that I have to tolerate in my life, but ignorance is not one of them.  I find the ramblings of this woman amazingly hateful and overwhelmingly irritating.  I confess that I am a heterosexual male and while I have never dabbled in "playing for the other team", I'm almost 100% positive that "P-E-N-I-S going into the anus to rupture intestines..." is not very factual.

In fact, I question 95% of everything she said (Judas did kiss Jesus, so I can't debate that one).  I have no idea where someone would even be able to come up with this stuff.  She even seemed to stumble through some of it as well as if she were reading it for the first time.  Some people, when presenting, just read whatever is in front of them without even thinking about what they are saying.  Can you imagine someone handing her a notebook, saying, "Hey, I wrote some notes for you...just read what's on the page and you'll be fine."   

There must come a point in their relationship when this woman's Life Coach has to simply say, "You know what?  F$%&'re on your own!"

I wonder what the next presenter was thinking during this.  They could have come up to the podium, set a bucket full of puppies on fire, and the audience would still leave that room thinking, "What the hell is an 'orgy-er'?"

It's things like this that make me question how we can ever hope for that Utopian world when we have so far to go.  People covet what they don't have and they fear what they don't understand.  That coveting and fear turns to hate, and that hate leads to pain and suffering.

For those of you out there that are gay - I am sorry.  I am sorry that you have to live in a world where you will not be accepted by people who have no right to judge anyone expect for themselves.  I am sorry that there are people out there that don't even know you but know that they hate you.  I am sorry that there are people like this woman in the world that can make it harder for you to accept yourself for who you really want to be.

For those of you out there that are not gay - I am sorry.  I am sorry that you have to live in world where people like this feel they have the right to speak on your behalf and tell someone they are wrong because they are different for them.  I am sorry that you too live in a world where people judge others when they can't even judge themselves.  I am sorry that there are people like this woman who just make it all worse.

And for anyone I haven't acknowledged yet - I am sorry.  I'm not sure how I could have missed you...

So there it is in it's ugly and bitter truth.  Our world can be so beautiful and so devastating at the same time, that sometimes I don't know whether to praise the wonders or vomit at the disgust.  Either way, I'm sure I'm not alone.

-No cheers this time, folks...


  1. I am not even sure how to process this at the moment... I do not know that disgust is a strong enough word for the emotions that are going through me right now.

  2. First I want to speak to the fact that she was allowed to speak and allowed to go on. That is a down side to democracy, if we start restricting people based on talk like that it's a easy road to having people with good ideas prevented from speaking. It was hard for me to listen to her rant on, but I also know that to hear the next good idea we have to suffer through all of that. It's the job of government to be smart enough to filter through all this crap and get the good stuff. It's also the job of smart reasonable people to stand up and take the arguments to a reasonable place. Having government leaders that listen to this kind of stuff and actually take actions in it's favor really speak to the overall masses that voted in that government in the first place. It's everyone's job in society to suffer through this so that reason can have an overwhelming rebuttal to stupidity. Ok, getting off my democracy soapbox now...

    On to my stupidity soapbox...

    This woman is a perfect example of how people can take something they believe in and ONLY see the facts that support their belief. Hell, the crazy ones like her can even take half a truth and ignore the other half if it does not fit in their world. Just about all of what she said had some truth in it, unfortunately pretty much all of it was only partial truths or twisted truths. Her argument on a whole is just awful, and I mean that in a discussion format. She just strung things together no matter if they were logical or even the same subject. It sounds like she just wanted to get up in front of an audience to spout her beliefs. I have no idea what she was trying to argue, was it for the city to ban a TV show, ban gay people from holding jobs, ban pornography, rant about how gays bring diseases to the world? She was all over the place in her 5 min. And NONE of it was supported by any real facts or references.

    I do weep a little that people like this are out there.


  3. That is 31 flavors of stupid, crazy, and ignorant/praline swirl. I kept waiting and hoping for the guy right behind her to jump up and brain her. Sarah came in the room as I'm watching this and asked, "Did she just say Judas was a homo?" And even though I've only seen one episode, I'm very certain contestants are not perishing on the gay-produced, neo-gladiatorial event known as ABC's "Winter Wipeout."

  4. Thanks for posting this and I apologize for derailing you from posting the epic, humorous post you had intended.

    I can’t disagree with the comments posted prior to mine. While there is comedic value in this woman’s rant for the sheer absurdness of it and the outlandishness of her facts (not to mention the reactions of those behind her and not just the dark-haired guy over her right shoulder), there is a cause for concern.

    The concern is that we know there are others with similar beliefs as this woman and not just concerning homosexuality. There are those who feel that men should rule over women instead of being equals. Those who feel that Americans (and those not American) with a different skin color or ethnic background are lesser than them. There are people who look down upon people who are of different socio-economic standing. Those who bully and drive fellow humans to suicide because of differing appearance and the clothes they wear. Some condemn for the simple reason of someone else not having the same religious/spiritual beliefs as they do. The list goes on. I think many times as Chris mentioned, they are based on the fear of what we simply don’t understand and to some extent, the hate we have of others is nothing more than a reflection of what we see in ourselves.

    People like this woman continue to cause harm. They vote for those who tell them what they want to hear instead of thinking critically. They spread their message of hate in their communities/schools/churches. And maybe worst of all, they have and raise children based on the fears and insecurities in their minds. Which in my mind is a most egregious offense.

    I think the result is the need for us (more specifically me) to ask and answer 2 questions:
    1) Is the pain of living in a world where these thoughts/words/actions exist, greater than the fear of me working to make a change?
    2) Am I okay with being passive spectator and allowing this to continue?

    Thanks again Chris for this post and your reaction. This is one of the many reasons I have tremendous respect for you and am grateful to have you as a friend.

    Jason Lane (aka Lason Jane)

  5. Just a quick update. The woman is mentally disturbed. Not saying that makes what she said any less disgusting but it certainly gives us an idea of how she could think this way.
