Friday, February 24, 2012

Poetic Justice

Greetings once again.  Can you believe it's already time for another post?  Well since there are no commitments made, I figure I can post whenever the hell I deal with it.

It's cold season once again, and as mentioned in our previous post, the whole family has come down with the sickness.  Poor Adler has had a really bad ear infection, so not only does he have drops (yes, he also has tubes), but he had to get a higher dose of oral antibiotics because the first prescription wasn't working.  In addition to Adler, Lexy has his first ear infection as well.  In case you couldn't tell, ear infections are about as common as junk mail in our household.  When M took Lexy in, the doctor was surprised to see someone so young with an ear infection.  Imagine our excitement and joy to learn our 4 month old is an overachiever in that department...

You may have noticed (or not) that there are some changes over on the right side of the blog...yet again.  Seeing that people were having a hard time becoming followers, I decided to remove that piece.  Instead, I offered up a SUBSCRIBE option which will notify you when a new post has been added (I'm sure it's going to get soooooo much more use than the Followers option, but whatever).  I also added a couple of survey questions I encourage you to participate in as well as an Asteroids game that has been added to keep the starving, virtual fish company.

Anyway, on with the thing.  For those of you who don't know me very well, I can be a smart ass.  I have mentioned before that my daughter, Ayris, has been studying and practicing the art of sarcasm for some time now.  I think it's time to admit that she has now successfully achieved Jedi level.

What's even more fascinating is that this is somehow also starting to rub off on Ash as well:

For those of you who know me well, I hope you just enjoyed a good laugh on that one...

So there it is - poetic justice at its finest.  The teacher has now become the student / student become the ring leader / upsetting the apple cart...I don't remeber where I was going with that one.  Sorry, I got side tracked by something I found online just now (see below).

Before we go, I leave you with two new pictures that have given me some laughs lately:

And my latest internet distraction:

Seriously, how epic is this?!


1 comment:

  1. And here I thought you were laughing at me whenever I'd break into Tesla...
