Monday, September 12, 2011

Goatsex, Buttsex and Queso...OH MY!

Okay, so I can't find time to write on my own blog these days...but I felt it was time to hijack C's once again...just to set the record straight...

First off, I will have you know...that Words with Friends did not allow me to play the words goatsex and buttsex...and I happen to believe these are two very feasible things...otherwise we wouldn't have a bunch of goats running around...and...well, I'm sure you can figure out the buttsex part on your own...NONE THE LESS, I was irate when I couldn't play those words and Chris had no sympathy for me.  Fast forward to like FOUR WHOLE DAYS AGO...when Chris made his last WWF move...

He comes into the bedroom and is all "What the f*ck is POH?"...and I'm all, "I have no idea, but I got points for playing it, so that's all that matters..."...Chris then tells me that I'm a cheater and leaves all in a huff.  THEN the Queso thing happens and he has refused to play the game since! 

I should also add that I'm kicking his *ss...and I think that's what the REAL problem is...he beat me the first time around (had to let him win one...) but in this particular game, I'm 215 to his 142...and this, people, is why we are at a standstill.  He says I am the competitive one...and this is definitely true...but at least I'm not stubborn.  Actually, I'm stubborn too...but I'd never just leave a game standing...he won't even resign it!

***And just so we're clear dear heart...if you don't play a word soon, you're gonna look like C-Daddy Pimpin' in the last frame of your cartoon...NO JOKE.  B*tch ain't playin'....this is serious stuff...and I've already waited four days!  My patience thresh hold is wearing thin at this point...

BTW, when I just did spell-check...goatsex, buttsex and queso weren't considered words???  WTF spell-check...I think Chris and I will be writing some letters to the spell-check board and WWF's this weekend...right after we finish our game.

BAM, I just added goatsex, buttsex and queso to spell-check on Chris, going forward, feel free to use those words freely...

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